
so my mother said that the only thing that she wanted for Mothers day this year was a flower/rock garden in front of the house. this would have been no big deal except for the fact that we have had for many years these HUGE, UGLY, HUGE, um, BIG bushes in the front where the would be flower/rock garden was to be. so the task was this, remove 'em. :o)
i was going to do it by myself, but as i wrote in my planner that i was to do it, Adrianne saw that i was gonna do it and asked about it, so i invited her. then while i was getting started on it i remembered that Carolyn LOVES to garden, so i called her and after convincing her that this was way more fun then doing the things that she actually needed to do she came over. so the
three of us had loads our fun getting really dirty pulling these large bushes out of the ground. frankly, Carolyn, i mean to be honest here and giving credit where credit is due, did most of the work! i mean, she practically single-handedly pulled all the bushes out by herself! the only thing that seems odd to me is how Adrianne and i were so dirty and Carolyn just stayed so clean! man that Carolyn, i guess she is just something amazing!

but that is not all we did, we spent time taking care of weeds and caring many a heavy rocks from the back yard to the front so that it really would be a flower-SLASH-rock garden. i have to say that at one point we must have looked rather silly. see, there was this one really big one that we had to put on this cart like thing, however the cart was low to the ground and had no way to pull or push it from a walking position. so we had to do it while crawling and it was such a heavy rock that it took all three of us. :o)
we also found a prince, oh i mean, we found a frog! i wanted to kiss it, you know to see if it was a prince but then my mother said "watch the frog turn out to be ***** ******!". (i don't want to hurt any one's feelings by saying his *name*) too appalled by the idea of it turning in to him, i didn't kiss it after all. i wanted to say something good back to my mothers (i have to hand it to her) rather clever remark, but instead i was dumbfounded and just stammered for a moment trying to find the words. but the moment past... but what i wished i had said is this... "well,
nope! still don't have anything good to say back, dangit! i wish i was clever with my comebacks!


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