
I'm trying to get rid of some of my stuff, see i'm going to be moving out soon, and i have to take everything with me. Because my parents are storing a lot of my sisters stuff so there is no room left in the house, so if i go, my stuff (aka crap) goes with me... classic.
i really hate having "stuff" because it's those little things that you just simply have in a box that you never think about till you go through that box and say, "aww, i remember this!" such good memories!
suck me sideways, i hate it! but i can't get rid of it!
because i really do forget! i forget everything, and i'm to lazy to write it all down so i can get rid of the stuff and hold just hold on to the memories! you would think after watching Clean House i would get that by now! i'm just going to have to hope that in the next world i remember all these little moments that are embodied in my "stuff" so that i can just let go and move on!
i hope that i'm not the only one like this!


  1. If you'd like I can sacrifice and 'store' all of your shoes for you! That way you could take more important things with you :)

  2. nice try Danielle! hey, i'll keep you in mind for the job! :o)

  3. Nope, I'm the exact same way..maybe it's genetic.

