Hello, I am Amanda Fulk, I recently opened an account with your company and I am trying to make a payment on my account but I have run into MANY road blocks. So this is my laundry list of things that I think are just a little messed up…
1. it cost $15 to pay over the phone? That was my first try, but when I heard that I opted for the on-line route. Because that’s ridiculous, I shouldn’t have to pay for customer service.
2. it’s crazy to set up an account to pay it. As soon as I got off the phone I tried to set up my online account to pay my bill and it “timed out” so many times that I gave up in frustration. Later I tried again and the same thing kept happening.
3. I have to pay by check? I don’t have a check book, I do all my banking online and with my bank card, so I’m not going to order checks just so I can use your online version of paying the bill. That is a BIG inconvenience. Why can’t you use credit cards like the rest of this world?
4. and lastly, the thing that made me write this letter even though I’m dying to go to bed, is after all these failed attempts I thought to myself, “it’s ok, I’ll just go WAY out of my way and pay it off in the store, maybe I’ll buy something while I’m there” but oh no wait!! I can’t! because I just read on your crappy bill you sent me that you will no longer be accepting payments in store. :o(
come on, really? I WANT to pay my bill, in fact I want to pay off my bill, I want to be a responsible spender and a loyal customer to your company, but how can I do all these things when you are treating me like crap and not letting me pay my stinking bill?
I know that whoever reads this is not responsible for the company’s way of doing things, and maybe I’m an idiot and didn’t see a way to EASILY pay the bill, but all the same, I’m just a little pissed off at the moment at your not wanting me pay my bill.
I would be ungrateful not to acknowledge that the other day they reversed my late fee that I had, so I thank you very much for that, but I don’t want to be charged another late fee because I can’t find a way to pay my bill. So please help a girl out and help me make this better.
And to help you help me,
my account number is **** **** **** **** ****
my phone number is ***-***-****, Monday is my day off and I’d love to hear from you, but if not that
my e-mail is maemaefulk@gmail.com
thank you and I look forward to solving this little problem.
Amanda M. Fulk
Mother's Day 2020
4 years ago
My mom enjoyed this...this is here life every other Friday...