on October the 12th, i was closing up the evening after hanging out with Patrick, he drove me back to the church where my car was and dropped me off there, i left from one entrance and him the other, bothgoing the opposite way on Woodward. for once in my life i was being a law abiding citizen, wasn't doing anything! but a cop pulls up behind me and pulls me over.
i'm sitting in car wondering why he had done this, when he tells me...
"well miss, we pulled you over because we pulled over your friend. (i.e. Patrick) could i see you bla bla bla..."
well, i by mistake handed him the wrong insurance card. IT WAS DARK! the one that i gave him had expired.
I said, "oh let me get the right one..." but the cop mentioned that it was ok, so i'm thinking that he just plain old believed me. he goes back to the car and comes back with a ticket for not having proof of insurance! JERK! i was a little pissed, but said to myself, "Self, no big deal, you are totally in the right, you'll just fight the ticket!"
so life went on, and I FORGOT TO CALL!! I HATE MYSELF! and it turns out if you don't call they just make you a little ol' court date, and DON'T tell you about it. so now i have a fine for not having the insurance (that i had) $25, then a $30 fee for being late AND a $100 fee for missing my court date that i didn't know about!! AHHHHHH!!!
but that's not all, they told me if i don't go down there and post a bond on the $155 soon, i'll get more fees. AND if i don't get this case dismissed, the State is going to fee me $400 more!!!!!!!!!!
so right now i'm looking at a fee of $555.00 for a car that isn't even mine "not" having insurance, and they pulled me over all because someone i knew got pulled over!!!!!!!!!!!
does any of this make sense to anyone else? how is this fair?? i know i should have called, but i think that it is really crazy how all of this just kinda snowballed in to the land-o-crap!
stupid people, dumb fines......... i'm a little upset now. ;O(
Mother's Day 2020
4 years ago
Congratulations Amanda, you get the Public Service Award this month for helping to keep our law enforcement employed and maybe even a pay raise.